It was just fortuitous that I came across this
blog, this evening, in light of my
post earlier today. Laura is a stunning example of the point I was trying to make. She is 10 years old, and I assume with the help of her parents, she is honoring her grandfather's memory by doing good deeds and then blogging about them. The project started out as a 25 day challenge for the month of December, but because of the overwhelming response, she has decided to continue. What a legacy her grandfather left for her and kudos to her parents for providing her support. Reading her posts and the comments, it is evident that her charitable spirit has become infectious and other kids have joined her cause.
Thank you for this kind shout-out! I am so happy to have been drawn over to YOUR blog...I'll be reading along as well!
Angela (Laura's mom at 25 Days)
What a fantastic idea and an exceptional little girl!
I'm glad you found my blog through this one, such a fantastic idea. ;) I can't wait to have kids and hopefully raise them to be good citizens like this. ;)
Just checking out your blog now, lots of information for me to check out! Thanks for stopping by! Just by your profile alone I know I'm gonna like it here! :)
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